Saturday, October 31, 2009

Flexibility for Life

When I was 32 I realized that I was not as flexible as I had once been. This disturbed me because at that time my grandmother was having increasing difficulty moving. Her shoulders were becoming stiff and inflexible. She needed a knee replacement. My grandmother was only 75. I loved her dearly, but I didn’t want to have the same problems with my body. From that point, I put together a series of joint movements I call Flexibilities; and I began doing them every morning when I first arose.

Over the next several weeks, I noticed that not only was I becoming more flexible, but I felt less achy and stiff when I awoke each morning. Doing the movements in the morning meant that I felt loose, alert, and ready for the day ahead. I walked a little taller with a bounce in my step.

Through the intervening years, I’ve continued to do the flexibilities each morning. On those days that for some reason I do not do the movements, I feel a little off. I’ve also found that if I do not do the flexibilities first thing in the morning, I am less likely to do them at all that day.

In addition to doing the joint movements, I do two other things to aid joint health. Each day with my breakfast (blueberries and bananas, tomato salsa omelet, and grapefruit juice) I take a vitamin D3 supplement. Vitamin D3 is vital for skeletal and muscle strength (and many other aspects of health). For lunch I eat water-packed sardines. Sardines are a super food: they are a great source of protein, calcium, vitamin D3, and omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce joint inflammation (along with many other benefits).

Following this program for over two decades, I have great flexibility, no signs of osteoarthritis, and good overall health. Two research studies provide support for my anecdotal experience.

The first, published about one year ago by UC San Diego researchers, found that flexing joints prompts chondrocytes (cartilage cells) to produce a lubricating substance that keeps the joint surfaces smooth. The more the joint was flexed, the greater the percentage of chondrocytes that produced lubrication, keeping the glassy surface of the joint smooth. Joints that are not flexed produce very little lubrication resulting in an erosion of the smooth cartilage and, eventually, the pain of osteoarthritis.

The second study was published earlier this month in the American Journal of Physiology. These researchers in Texas and Japan found that an individual’s degree of flexibility could be positively correlated with that individual’s degree of arterial flexibility. That is, the most flexible adults had the best arterial condition and the lowest risk for having a heart attack or stroke. Those adults with the greatest joint stiffness were at highest risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke.

Do you want to live a longer, healthier life? Then you need to add daily flexibilities to your routine. If you would like a PDF copy (for $3.00) of my Flexibilities booklet which includes photos and directions for each movement, click here.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Genes are not Paint Pots: Part 2 Polygenic Traits

Articles on genetics make it seem that every trait is a single gene trait. Single gene traits are easier to understand and seem easier to manipulate. I imagine that most geneticists would be thrilled if all our traits were caused by single genes. Unfortunately for them, that is not the case. In fact, for most traits of interest multiple genes are involved. They are polygenic traits: the result of the interaction of multiple forms of multiple genes with the environment in which that individual and/or his/her ancestors live/lived. The proportion of genes to environment varies with each trait. In most cases, we really have no idea of the true proportion. Regardless, it is important to remember that these traits are not simple and, therefore, we are a long ways from being able to fully understand and manipulate them.

Polygenic traits exhibit continuous variation: there are no distinct boundaries between one form of the trait and another. Unlike the blood type example from the Part 1 blog [below] where one is either Type A or Type O, polygenic traits can seem like blends. Some examples of polygenic traits include: height, weight, intelligence, hair color, and eye color. Adults are not 5’, 5.5’, or 6’ tall with no heights between. Height is continuously distributed. Although we say a woman is blond or brunette, we know that the range of variation within each category is large. Another example of a polygenic trait is skin color.

Geneticists have spent years trying to figure out the genetics of human skin color. They’ve found genes that affect skin color, but they have not yet been able to fully explain the genetics that produce the variation we see. Nor can they confidently predict what color the offspring will be of parents with markedly different skin colors. If genes were paint pots, this should be easy to do. Take one very dark parent and one very light parent, and the offspring should be halfway between. Sometimes this looks to be the case, but the children can range in skin color from light to dark. There is no way to tell ahead of time. I know a couple where the wife has very dark skin color and black hair, while the husband has very light skin color and blond hair. One child has medium brown skin color and wavy brown hair while the other child has very light skin color and tightly curled blond hair.

Some geneticists have talked about parents choosing their baby’s traits. If traits were of the single gene variety this might barely be possible. But with polygenic traits, it is not going to happen. At least, not in the foreseeable future. If you look a great deal like your mate, your child may look a great deal like you. But it isn’t guaranteed. [See the Part 1 blog below.] If you and your mate are quite dissimilar in looks, each birth will be an unexpected mix of traits. Your child will not be a blend. Genes are not paint pots. And that is a great thing because we do not know what the future will bring. The more variation there is in your offspring, the better the chance that they will do well in that unknown future.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Genes are not Paint Pots: Part 1 Genetics and Genealogy

Even though everyone graduating from high school is supposed to have taken biology, there is still much that remains misunderstood among the general public about many topics in biology, including genetics. Mendel would be so disappointed.

Prior to Mendel’s research with pea plants in the mid-1800s, it was assumed by everyone that offspring were a blend of their parents’ traits. Mendel found that this assumption was false. Purebred tall pea plants crossed with purebred short pea plants did not produce medium-sized offspring. They produced tall offspring. Traits did not blend. The world changed! NOT! No one even paid any attention for about 50 years. And then, it was only a few scientists (who became geneticists) who really noticed.

To understand this better, let’s start with a simple Mendelian (single gene trait) example: ABO blood type. You get half of your chromosomes (23) from your mom and half (23) from your dad. Both sets of chromosomes have the same genes, BUT they may have different forms of those genes. In our example, your chromosome #9 from your mom contains the ABO blood type form O. The one from your dad is A. Your blood type is not a blend of O and A. It is A (because A is dominant over O). But your genotype is AO.

Now, it is years later and you are ready to have a child. Your mate is blood type O. That means your mate has a genotype of OO. Due to the randomness of meiosis (cell division that produces gametes: eggs or sperm), your gamete contains the O form from your mom. Your mate also provides an O, so your child will have blood type O and genotype OO. Not only is your dad’s gene for ABO not passed on to his grandchild child, neither are any of the nearby genes on that chromosome. And if your dad’s chromosome #9 did not undergo recombination during meiosis (exchanging material with the other chromosome #9s), all your dad’s genes on that chromosome are absent from his grandchild child. It is possible, although improbable, that your child contains chromosomes and genes ONLY from your mother. It is also possible, although improbable, that the only chromosome your child inherited from grandma is #9. There is no blending of the grandparents’ traits in the grandchild.

What this means is that in only two generations, traits can be lost from a family line. In our example, you know who your parents are, but it is possible that the traits of one of your parents will not be evident in your child, which is your parent’s grandchild. The big point? Genetics and Genealogy do not match.

Maybe you are really into genealogy and have a family tree dating back a couple of hundred years. You know who your ancestors are. But you decide it would be cool to have genetic testing done too. SHOCK!! According to the genetic testing, you do not have any Native American ancestry. But you know that your mom’s grandmother was Sioux. You have a picture of her! What gives?!
What gives is that since genes don’t blend, they can be lost to subsequent generations. Also, current genetic testing is only able to look at a subset of all your genes. Maybe your maternal grandma’s genes that you did inherit aren’t in that tested subset. Who knows?

Genetic information provides additional insights to your ancestry, but is not a substitute for genealogy. You need both types of information to fully understand your personal past.

Takeaway message: If you read an article, or see a show that states, “Based on genetic testing, there is no evidence that Population A is in the ancestry of Population B” remember that not all genes get passed down to all descendants, and that genetic testing only examines a subset of genes. Contrary to what that genetic test showed, it is quite possible that Population A is indeed in the ancestry of Population B. Genetics and Genealogy are different, complementary ways of knowing the past.